What are we gonna do when we find them?" Cogsley asked Beth. Cogsley found himself alone with Beth, hacking through a misty jungle. It didn't take long for the group to separate. Everyone dusted themselves off, and headed north.

As they reached the clearing, Cogsley created a small bubble around himself to slow his fall, and Beth simply struck the ground with lightning force, leaving scorch marks up the surrounding trees. It wasn't for another 3 or 4 minutes that Beth bailed, and they were still no where near the ground.

Harry followed close behind, falling like a falcon past the other two. Cogsley stumbled on his way out, catching himself after a few moments of free fall. "Point of no return man!" Zigzag shouted over the wind, "Let's go scout the fuck outta those hairy bastards!" He threw himself from the chopper with ease, plummeting to the Earth as though he did it everyday. Zigzag and Harry both pulled the squirrel suits on over their clothes and approached the hatch.

The clearing is big enough for us all, so aim well." I'll be dropping behind you, so wait for me on the ground. "Alright boys, we're dropping you guys down in ten minutes! Get those flight suits ready, Cogsley you can free fall. Suddenly, Beth came over the mics from the cockpit. There drop point was just a few clicks south of the trail camera, so they should be able to reach it in a few minutes and track outward from there. No one had any guns, not even Zigzag (Eddie, heheh) which was astounding on its own. Cogsley was wearing his Rad-Suit under some camp pants and combat boots, a Kevlar vest over his chest. He sat between Harry and Zigzag, both in their battle gear. No incidents, and definitely no casualties.

He was only focused on the task at hand get in there, find the mutts, find their home, and get out. They were only a few hours out from Japan going West from their location, though Cogsley had no idea how far they had gone or from where they started.