The Light powers are more passive, like healing or shielding yourself from dark side force powers.

I personally choose the dark side because when you max out Force Lightning you can throw people far away as you shock them, it is very satisfying to do that to stormtroopers. The combat is amazing, it's a real lightsaber if you hit someone with it they die unlike a new Jedi Fallen Order where you have to hit the target multiple times, that is not realistic lightsaber combat, Jedi academy really gets it right and then there are the force powers that actually mean something because between mission sets you get a message from Kyle Katarn telling you that the dark side is bad or that you're on the way to becoming into a real Jedi. I loved being able to interact with many iconic star wars locations, like Hoth, Tattoine, and many more. the story missions are fun as you play through them they get progressively harder, than the first batch of missions. To start, I am not sure how this game got a 7.84 overall rating, who played this game and gave it such a bad rating? Star Wars is known to have great storytelling and video games to back it up, this game is no different, Jedi Academy is a great game, first of all, being able to customize your lightsaber at the start is a really awesome feature that does not come by often.