The HDMI cable also has a secondary purpose, which is to pass a unique pairing code from the Lifesize system to the Lifesize Connect App running on the user's Windows computer, allowing automatic establishment of a peer-to-peer connection across the network to send the camera and microphone to the user's computer. The HDMI cable connection is required for sharing the user's PC desktop on the main meeting room display and speaker(s). Lifesize Connect in the Presentation port configuration leverages only a single cable connection from the Lifesize Icon system presentation input to the user's computer, in conjunction with the Lifesize Connect App installed and running on the user's Windows 10 computer. Cabling and technical requirements for Lifesize Connect (Presentation port) This eliminates the potential for disruption due to wireless network connectivity or the processing load on the user's own device. Where possible, it is recommended to use the Display 2 port configuration (see below) for new installations.